Parametric Setup


From your Unified Admin, go to Print Parametric.

  1. Filter results using the search bar for key words (ID, library, Name, Category)
  2. The Export AllImport All, buttons are for managing products in bulk.
The unique product id
The photo preview of the product
The name of the product
The category page where the product can be found
The option to edit or delete the product. The ability to download and replace a CAD file (.slvs) as well as Exporting a CAD file (.slvs) with all the print parametric data for import into another Print Store or customer deployment.

Adding/Editing a New Standard

Standard Info Parameters Standard Sizes Options Rules Auto Flute Animations Sandbox
Standard Information
Display Name: The name that will display in the list that you refer it to.
Units: Choose the units of measure - millimeters, centimeters, or inches.
Categories: The category you wish to assign it to within the system.
Print Editor: The option to refer back to and assign a template from the back end of the system.
Inside Markup Value: The percentage increase overall for inside printing options
Blank Markdown Value: corresponds with blank products that don't require any printing


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