Publishing themes


Preview Theme

Previewing a theme is very helpful when testing theme changes on a live Print Store before publishing theme and making it live for all end users to see. Previewing the theme will generate a link you can copy and share with others to also preview the theme.

  1. From your PrintNow admin, go to Stores/Site Themes.
  2. To preview an existing theme click Actions Icon and Preview.
  3. This will open a new tab of the current Print Store your working on with a link:

The "?theme_override=" is the parameter and the "theme" is the name of your theme you want to preview.

Publish Theme

You can store as many themes as you want in Site Themes but you can only publish one theme at any time to assign to each root domain. The exception is when using user groups for theme assignment or when visiting a URL set-up to display an alternative theme during the user's session.

  1. From your PrintNow admin, go to Stores/Site Themes.
  2. To publish an existing theme click Actions Icon and Apply. This will assign the default theme to display for the current Print Store.
  3. To rename the theme to something more identifiable click the Actions Icon and Rename.
  4. Enter a new name and click Save.

Related topics

Theme development
Site Themes Editor
Print Store theme structure
Duplicating themes
Publishing themes
Integrating HTML themes
Print Editor theme structure

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