
AccuZIP, Inc., a national software company, provides feature rich solutions to manage Contact Data Quality, Address Hygiene, USPS® Postal Presorting and Compliance and Mail Tracking and Reporting. Since 1992, AccuZIP Inc. has created award-winning, powerful, and robust data quality and direct mail software. AccuZIP Inc.’s many products and services are certified by the United States Postal Service® at the highest level. The company is also an Accredited Better Business Bureau member with an A+ rating and is SOC 2 and HIPAA/HITECH Compliant.

PRESS RELEASE: PrintNow Integrates With AccuZIP, Providing Integrated List Purchase, EDDM® and Complete Direct Mail Capabilities From Within the PrintNow Web‐to‐Print Storefront Software

AccuZIP setup

AccuZIP setup

Activate Partner Integration

  1. From your Unified admin, go to Partner Apps>AccuZIP.
  2. Click +Add AccuZIP to create new mailing profiles with information supplied by AccuZIP support.
  3. Click Save to save mailing profile
  4. The Print Store AccuZIP UI will become available during checkout with these basic configurations.

Print Store AccuZIP UI

Upload CSV Data List

Upload CSV

Build Mailing List 

Build Mailing List

Build EDDM List

Build EDDM

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