Autofill Profiles


Autofill Profiles

Autofill Profiles are used to pass variables assigned to users, user groups or private on a template by template basis when using the Print Editor in simple mode specifically. 

Add Variable

Variables are unique text or image values assigned by tag name used to auto-fill on Print Editor templates when finding matching tag names.  You can build custom profiles and assign them as Public, User Group, or Private depending on your B2C and B2B needs.

  1. From your Unified admin, go to Print Editor>Autofill Profiles.
  2. To add a new variable click the +Add Variable button.
  3. Enter Tag Name that will match the tag name on your template so PrintNow can find the match. 
  4. Define if the Visibility will be Public,  User Group, or Private.
  5. Enable Locked if you don't want the end-user to modify the field. 
  6. If your variable will be used as a text field click "Text / Default Text Value". Optionionaly set a default value otherwise the default text you assign on the template will be used on entry. 
  7. If your variable will be used as an image field click "Image / Default Selected Image". Optionally set a default value by selecting an image otherwise the default image will be the one you assigned on the template itself.
  8. Click Save to store your variable item.

Add Variable

User Level Profiles

Autofill Profile will be added under the my account section on the front-end Print Store when defining public variables.  If you don't see the Autofill Profiles section under the My info section like below then you don't have any public variables defined. 

  1. From your PrintNow admin, go to Print Editor>Autofill Profiles.
  2. To add a new profile click the +Add Profile button.
  3. Click +Add Variable to enter tag name that will match the tag name. Define if the Visibility will be Public,  User Group, or Private. Enable Locked if you don't want the end-user to modify the field. 
  4. If your variable will be used as a text field click "Text / Default Text Value". Optionionaly set a default value otherwise the default text you assign on the template will be used on entry. 
  5. If your variable will be used as an image field click "Image / Default Selected Image". Optionally set a default value by selecting an image otherwise the default image will be the one you assigned on the template itself.
  6. Click Save.

User Level Profile

Template Autofill


User Group Level Profiles

You can also assign custom Autofill profiles to specific user groups used in B2B workflows.  

  1. From your PrintNow admin, go to Print Store>Users>User Groups.
  2. To add a new profile, go to the Autofill Profile tab, click +Add Profile button.
  3. Click Save.

User Group Level Profile

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