In this section
Base Pricing Table
- From your Unified admin, go to Print Store> Pricing.
- To edit an existing Base Price click Actions icon and Edit.
- To enter Base Pricing tables click Actions icon and Pricing Tables. To be able to generate a Base Pricing Table you need to at least enter 1 quantity, color, & size. Static only products only need at least 1 quantity.
- To delete an existing Base Price click Actions icon and Delete.
- To clone an existing Base Price click Action icon and Clone.
- To add a new Base Price click Add Base Pricing button.
- To export all completed Base Pricing tables to excel format click Export All Pricing Tables button.
Once all your Base Pricing and Options are entered manually you can use Excel for price entry. Click Export All Pricing Tables button on the main Base Pricing screen or click the Actions icon and Pricing Tables to isolate a particular pricing table. Import is available for one pricing table at a time.
General Info
The General Info Tab contains all the controls that change the way pricing is calculated and what options will be enabled at the category level.
- From your Unified admin, go to Print Store> Pricing.
- From the Base Pricing page, click Actions icon and Edit.
- The General Info tab will be active by default.
Pricing Details
- Name
- Name is the label that will be used to identify with. It's advised to use the same name you use for the category to make it easy to assign in bulk editing.
- Pricing Mode
- Linear Price Interpolation (LPI): Will grab the price for a specific quantity like in Lookup, and if the quantity is not one listed the price will be determined with a linear progression based on the two defined prices it falls between. If you price quantity 100 at $100 and 500 at $400, quantity 250 would be $212.50 Formula: Y = mX+b m = ($400-$100)/(500-100) = $0.75 X = 250-100 = 150 b = 100 Y = ($.75*150) + $100 = $212.50
- Linear Unit Price Interpolation (LUPI): This option will dynamically find a price between two price columns. For example, if your per piece price for the 100 quantity is set to $1.00 and the 500 quantity set to be $.90, the per piece price for a quantity of 250 will be calculated as $.96252. 100 qty = 100 x 1.00 = $100 250 qty = 250 x .96252 = $240.63 500 qty = 500 x .90 = $450:
- Unit Price (UP): Will charge the amount entered for every piece (quantity) entered, so if you put quantity 100 = $1.00 and 500 = .75 then 100 will be $100, 250 would be $250 and 500 would be $375. It uses a “stair-step” model where the next discount does not happen until that quantity is reached.
- Discount
- Used in retail mostly to automatically discount your pricing and display savings in the online calculator on the Print Store.
- Discount Type
- Apply a Fixed or Percentage discount from the value above.
- Is Static
- Used for Add to Cart items. Adding a Quantity range is all that is required in this case.
- Matrix Pricing
- Matrix Pricing is used for apparel like a t-shirt to display multiple quantities and color combinations tied to one product.
- Product Category
- Used to map base price with the category it belongs to.
- Pricing Widget
- Not used at this time. Will be hidden in future release until made available.
- Is Book
- Not used at this time. Will be hidden in future release until made available.
- Weight
- Optionally used for live shipping rates. Also made available under Size and Order Options.
- Per
- Used to calculate the weight for live shipping rates.
- Ship. Box Count
- Optionally used for live shipping rates to estimate number of boxes.
- Show Comments
- Adds comment box on Print Store checkout.
- Change Orientation
- Allows Print Editor template to swap length and widths.
- Hide Images During Checkout
- Option to remove images on checkout screen,
Design Service
- Markup Method
- Apply percentage or flat charge for this service.
- Markup Value
- The value used to determine the price.
Custom Upload
- Enabled
- Used to allow end users to upload print-ready artwork.
- Markup Method
- Apply percentage or flat charge for this service.
- Markup Value
- The value used to determine the price.
- 3D Model
- Used to map 3D Model for default proofing type.
Digital Download
- Download Cost
- Define a fixed cost to the digital download.
- Enable downloads
- Used to allow digital downloads with or without pricing options.
- Enable printing
- Toggle on if you want to allow both downloads and pricing options.
Merge Settings
- Target DPI
- The DPI used to help calculate what resolution is required for upload into Print Editor. Also used along with buffer set under Editor/Settings.
Quantities can be set for drop-down selection like 250, 500, 1000 or you can allow text-box entry entry enforcing a minimum and maximum. Quantities will be added in numerical order. When it comes time to enter pricing in the Base Pricing Tables your quantities will be listed and you will be able to enter in your price breaks.
- From your Unified admin, go to Print Store> Pricing.
- From the Base Pricing page, click Actions icon and Edit.
- Click the Quantities tab.
- Click the Add Quantity button to add a new quantity.
- Set the Display type to Dropdown List or Textbox.
- For Textbox type set the Minimum and Maximum range.
- Click Save.
Colors / Printed Side(s)
Colors are used to set options like (Front Only), (Front and Back), (Color Front, Blank Back), (Full Color Both Sides). You can set any number of color combinations You can change the label that will display in the online calculators from Color to something like Printed Sides(s).
- From your Unified admin, go to Print Store> Pricing.
- From the Base Pricing page, click Actions icon and Edit.
- Click the Colors tab.
- Click the Add Color button to add a new color.
- Enter Name, Page Count, front inks, back ink used per page.
- If your using integrations then enter integration id.
- Select a file for the thumbnails
- Click Save.
- Use Color Label Override to change what displays on the online calculator.
Sizes are assigned to products you setup in PrintNow to provide a way for print-ready artwork being uploaded or online templates to know what Width, Height, & Bleed to use.
- From your Unified admin, go to Print Store> Pricing.
- From the Base Pricing page, click Actions icon and Edit.
- Click the Colors tab.
- Click the Add Size button to add a new size.
- Enter Name for the label that will show.
- Enter Width & Height not including bleed. (Trim Size).
- Enter the Bleed value.
- Optionally enter Weight of single item used in live rate calculations.
- Optionally enter Units (Inches, Feet, Millimeters, Centimeters, Meters). Default is Inches.
- Optionally enter 3D model used if required.
- Optionally enter Integration ID for 3rd party integrations.
- Adding a safe area is an aid used when laying out content.
- Click Save.
- Use Size Label Override to change what displays on the online calculator.
Custom Sizing
Custom Sizing is used for products that can be any size you set up in PrintNow that match your equipment capabilities. You can use Custom Size along with Standard Sizes or by themselves.
- From your Unified admin, go to Print Store> Pricing.
- From the Base Pricing page, click Actions icon and Edit.
- Click the Custom Sizing tab.
- To enable custom size click Allow custom size toggle.
- Enter Minimum Width you want to offer.
- Enter the Maximum Width you want to offer.
- Enter Minimum Height you want to offer.
- Enter Maximum Height you want to offer.
- Enter the Size Stepping
- Enter the Bleed
- Enter the Safe Area
- Click Save.
- To Add pricing per Square Unit click Add Range.
- Enter Minimum Area and Maximum Area.
- Enter Price per square unit.
- Click Save.
Turnarounds like STANDARD (3 BUSINESS DAYS), RUSH (1 BUSINESS DAY) are used to display your production turnaround times and rush charges. Turnarounds are set at the order item level and can show or hide based on order volume.
- From your Unified admin, go to Print Store> Pricing.
- From the Base Pricing page, click Actions icon and Edit.
- Click the Turnarounds tab.
- To enable Runarounds click Enable Turnaround toggle.
- Charge a Flat Charge or Percentage (Base, Subtotal).
- To Add a Turnaround click Add Turnaround.
- Enter Name. For example: STANDARD (3 BUSINESS DAYS).
- Enter Cost.
- Enter Display Order.
- Optionally enter Min and/or Max quantity option item will appear.
- Optionally enter Production Time
- Select a file for the thumbnail
- Click Save.
Order Options
Order options allow you to set up prices for add-on options related to a product. For example, you could set up mark up prices for paper types or finishing options like folding, coating, round cornering, etc.
- From your Unified admin, go to Print Store> Pricing.
- From the Base Pricing page, click Actions icon and Edit.
- Click the Order Options tab.
Add Order Option group
- To Add a new Order Option Group click Add Order Option button.
- Enter Name like Paper Type, Folding, Bundling, etc.
- Select Charged As type from dropdown options.
- Select Option Type from the dropdown options. (see table below for more info)
- Select Option Display type from dropdown options.
- Select Variable Data checkbox if your order option is to be listed with mailing options.
- Enter Display Order as 1, 2, 3 depending on how you want order option groups to display.
- Enter optional Integration id if you're using 3rd party integrations.
- Enter optional Tooltip description to describe product option.
- Enter the Group Name.
- Click Save to save order option group or continue to next step.
Add Order Option items
- From your Unified admin, go to Print Store> Pricing.
- From the Base Pricing page, click Actions icon and Edit.
- Click the Order Options tab.
- To Add a new Order Option item within a group click Add Order Option Item.
- Enter Name for option item that will appear with group selection.
- Enter Thickness
- Enter the Min and Max. Sheets.
- Enter Default Cost of item.
- Enter Display Order as 1, 2, 3 of the item as it will appear in the group.
- Enter optional Weight of item for use using live rates shipping calculations.
- Enter optional Production Time
- Enter optional Integration id if you're using 3rd party integrations.
- Click optional Add Price Range if the unit price will change as quantity increases. Enter From and To quantity with the unit price to create the first range.
- Click Save Order Option Item to save changes.
Order Option Type
Option Type | Formula |
Per Item | optionCost × quantity |
Flat Charge | optionCost |
Percentage | basePrice × (optionCost / 100) |
Flat + Percentage | defaultCost + (basePrice × (optionCost / 100)) |
Square Unit* | optionCost × (width × height) × quantity |
Unit Per Area Range | optionCost × quantity |
Square Unit Per Area Range** | optionCost × (width × height) × quantity |
Linear Unit*** | optionCost × frameLength × quantity |
* , ** if option is a mat used in wall art products then the mat size with be used instead of the normal width/height
*** This option is used for wall art products and applies to frame options only, will calculate total needed length of frame
- BasePrice is calculated from standard size pricing table or custom size tables depending on size mode.
- For parametric products it depends if we're using dieline, sample, mockup or normal print.
- Dieline will use parametric dieline cost sample with used parametric sample cost × quantity
- Mockup with use parametric mockup cost × quantity × multiplier (depends on 2 sided or blank options) normal print will use basePrice + (material option cost × multiplier) + (board option cost × multiplier)
- Material and board option costs are calculated as if they are normal order options according to the formulas above
- defaultCost is default cost of selected option item
- optionCost is cost of selected option item after looking at standard size range, custom size range and quantity range tables. if no match, defaultCost is used
Smart Option Triggers
Smart Option Triggers allow you to define logic to show and hide Option Groups that display in the Print Store calculator based on triggered values selected by the end user. Sample: If (Color, Size, Quantity, etc.) is Less Than, 500, HIDE, Coating.
- From your Unified admin, go to Print Store> Pricing.
- From the Base Pricing page, click Actions icon and Edit.
- Click the Smart Option Trigger tab.
- Select the trigger value IF.
- Select when the target will be triggered selection IS.
- Select Value.
- Select Hide or Show selection THEN.
- Select target OPTION.
- Click Save.
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