We have a solution for that in place to enable it for the self-registration page that will prevent bots from ceating fake accounts. Just follow these instructions:
- Enable reCAPTCHA 3.0 type in your Admin Console: https://www.google.co
m/recaptcha/about/ - Take the code below and replace your site_key and secret_key from above and drop it in the head of your PrintNowDisplay.Master page.
- You can then delete those bot accounts and that should stop it.
Inside the head tag of PrintNowDisplay.master file:
<script runat="server">
Protected Sub Recaptcha(sender As Object, e As Printnow.RecaptchaEventArgs) Handles Me.NeedRecaptchaData
e.SiteKey = "site_key"
e.SecretKey = "secret_key"
End Sub
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